I tell stories with images, words, in frames, on walls or screens, that spark conversation, provoke thought and delight the heart.
After completing an elementary school assignment to write stories about pictures in Life magazine, I was inspired to tell stories with my own photos. Starting with my mother’s Brownie camera, and an Agfa Isolette-120 from my Grandpa Sonny’s antique shop, I stalked relatives, pets and captured inanimate objects in ‘motionless movement’. Then I diligently did chores around our North Carolina farm, to save money to buy a Polaroid, Kodak and flash cubes. Since then, I have strolled streets, beaches and backwoods around the world to shoot pictures on everything from Pentaxs and Casios, to Canons and iPhones. A perfect compliment to my wanderlust.
My early engagement in visual storytelling with photography, coupled with a passion for prose, and performance, morphed itself into character-driven filmmaking. Both mediums allow me to explore depths of the human condition, to dance with perspectives and tones, that reveal and evoke a spectrum of emotions.
Inspired by the ornately carved wooden frames of Renaissance and Flemish paintings, during the pandemic, I started creating multimedia framing for my photographs. 'Hacking’ the conventional system of black, white or gold straight edge metal and wood frames, I use an array of textures and colors that compliment the photograph and enhance the narrative of the image’s composition. Which has inspired me to integrate my images into a variety of design mediums.
All photographs, writings & recordings on this site have been registered with the US Copyright office. All rights are reserved, and no intellectual property here may be reproduced in any material form, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means — electronic, mechanical, print/photocopy, or any yet created medium without the permission of the artist.
It is equally important to me for you to have an engaging 'heartshare experience' with my works. So I encourage you to share your thoughts about what you see or read here. I truly appreciate your time and attention!